logo.rsm.full-colorRussian School of Mathematics
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Happy elementary school children learning in classroom environment
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Start Early. Learn Deeply.

Spark an early interest in mathematics and lay the groundwork for higher level reasoning.

We nurture the natural flexibility and curiosity of young minds to spark an interest in math and lay the foundations of higher level reasoning and logical thinking.

How it works

Young children are naturally curious, uninhibited, and can easily grasp very complex ideas. Our math curriculum and methodology are built with this in mind. Our students learn to work with, and develop an appetite for, challenging mathematical concepts.

Early abstract thinking

Students are introduced to abstract mathematical concepts, with unknowns represented by familiar items. They are guided to solve problems using reasoning and logic.

Mental flexibility

Students play with math concepts, exploring them from multiple angles, and learn that problems can have multiple paths to a solution.


Students regularly engage with problems for which the solutions are neither obvious nor easy, learning the particular thrill of accomplishment that comes with working through challenge.


Students are immersed in our classroom culture of conversation, debate, and verbalizing their thinking. They engage in a playful environment where they can often physically explore mathematical concepts together with their peers. 

Check out our Elementary School Worksheet for Math Word Problems for Grades K-2..

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From beginner to competition, multiple levels in each grade enable us to place each child in an environment best suited to them.

I - Accelerated Level

Often the best fit for new students, this curriculum is designed to meet students where they are, build their math foundation, and bring them to the level of international standards.

II - Advanced Level

Most students continue to this level, where we offer a challenging mathematics curriculum that provides the deep understanding, reasoning skills, and confidence needed for success from elementary through honors high school and beyond.

III - Honors Level

This rigorous curriculum goes into great depth on the topics covered in the advanced level, and regularly employs competition-level problems that encourage students to push the boundaries of their abilities. Many students in Honors also choose to participate in math competitions.

Competitions Programs

Success with math competitions comes first with the deep and broad foundation best delivered in our core classes. For those interested in a more focused study of competition materials, we offer a selective competitions program that prepares novice and veteran competitors alike for the full array of national and international math competitions.


What to Expect

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2 hours per week

Our classes meet for 1.5 hrs - 2 hrs a week, depending on age.

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The Classroom

A classroom environment is key to our methodology. Classes consist of up to 12 students and an expert teacher leading an interactive lesson.

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Homework is assigned each week to reinforce the math concepts taught in class that week.

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A Unique Curriculum

Perfected over two decades by our team of gifted academics, our curriculum is inspired by elite mathematical schools in the former Soviet Union and adapted for the U.S. educational environment.

Our Results

Our students see soaring confidence and performance in mathematics overall, and many participate in a variety of math competitions.

Our students experience soaring confidence and grades
21,000 Math Kangaroo winners across the nation!
Every 4th RSM student who participated scored in the top 5% on the AMC8!
RSM alumni go on to attend the best universities in the world
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There's one Latin saying, "Non scholae sed vitae discimus," which means, "we do not learn for school but for life." That's what RSM provides: how to learn, how to comprehend, and how to apply. We couldn't ask for more for our child.
RSM Parent
A handwritten card from a young student to an RSM teacher thanking them for helping them learn with drawings of a bird and star

Frequently asked questions

Why are you called the "Russian" School of Math?

The “Russian” comes from our approach - which is based on elite math schools in the former Soviet Union, adapted to the U.S. environment. According to Russian tradition - the study of mathematics is the pre-eminent tool of mental development. We teach math in a way that not only builds mathematical excellence, but also develops intellect and character.

Where does your curriculum come from?

We offer one continuous curriculum, from K-12. Our curriculum and methodology, perfected over 20 years by our team of gifted academics, is inspired by elite mathematical schools in the former Soviet Union, adapted for the American educational environment.

How big are your classes? What is the teacher to student ratio?

Our average class size is 12, and with three levels per grade we're able to ensure that each child is placed in a class that is appropriately challenging. Classrooms are an essential part of our methodology and curriculum as the environment enables students to verbalize and debate their ideas and exposes them to different ways of thinking.

How long are your classes? Can an elementary school child sit that long?

Our class-times vary depending on a child’s age. Starting anywhere from 1.5 hours for kindergarteners to 2-4 hours in high school. In the younger grades, we regularly mix activities and work with manipulatives to keep students engaged.

How much homework should I expect?

The goal of homework is to reinforce what was taught in class. Our teachers assign just enough to strengthen the skills developed in class. Homework is an excellent tool for you to gauge your child’s learning. It should take approximately half the length of your child’s lesson to complete. If the homework takes an unreasonably long or short amount of time, that may be a red flag indicating that your child is not in an appropriate level.

Who are your teachers?

All of our teachers have a background in mathematics or a related field and have a passion for the subject. They also go through extensive training to teach according to our specific methodology and curriculum.

What is the best age to join?

It takes many years to develop a deep mathematical foundation as well as the type of mindset we focus on building. With mathematics, as with a language or a sport, the earlier a child starts the better. Our students begin to reason with abstract concepts in elementary school, and by middle school they are not only familiar with essential elements of algebra but can easily apply them in problem solving.

What is your tuition?

For specific tuition details, please visit the "tuition" section of your RSM branch of choice.

Is your program right for my child?

We have designed multiple levels for every grade specifically to be able to serve each child's development based on his or her knowledge and ability. We recommend scheduling a free evaluation, as these sessions enable us to get a sense of each child's needs and recommend a class that is best suited to him or her.

Will your program confuse my child in school?

The concepts that we cover are fundamental and we study them in depth. Children see concepts from a variety of different angles. This doesn’t lead to confusion but rather empowers students by deepening their understanding. Since our curriculum is generally ahead of public school, children will often first learn concepts at RSM. Once they master them, we find they can adapt to any school format.

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